Jun Yan is a Sculptor based in the San Francisco Bay Area who draws inspiration from his Buddhist background to create art that goes beyond the surface. His works focus on nature forms, expressing an internal strength.

Using ceramic, bronze and other metals, he sculpts a diverse range of subjects that embody a philosophy of stillness and connection among all natural forms of life.

Before becoming a full-time artist, he worked as a fashion and costume designer in Paris and New York. In 2017, he began exploring 3D modeling and sculpting, leading to the creation of a fashion collection using 3D printing techniques, which transformed into wearable art. This experience inspire his passion for sculpture, making it an integral part of his artistic journey.

Click the link below to view the collection.

Artist Statement

As a practicing Buddhist, my artistic journey is deeply rooted in the exploration of spiritual realms that transcend surface appearances. Inspired by the teachings of my tradition, I aim to channel a sense of inner strength and tranquility into my works.


Working with clay and metal, I draw upon the symbolic qualities of these materials. Clay, with its fragility and vulnerability, reflects the impermanence of the physical form and the inevitable passage of time. In contrast, metal, with its strength and durability, represents the enduring nature of the inner self—a profound, eternal essence.

My goal is to capture the fundamental forms of life by harmoniously combining these contrasting elements, reflecting the composite nature of living beings—flesh, bones, fluids, and air. Through the interplay of these earthly materials in my sculptures, I’m building a connection to nature and the cycles of life, emphasizing that we are an integral part of it.